Team Announcements

Announcements That Never Get Missed

Push urgent updates to the browser so critical information doesn’t get lost in noisy chat tools or inboxes. Ensure information is read and acknowledged. Never miss a beat!
Try Announcements

Push mission critical updates to teammates’ web browsers so they’re never missed

Avoid critical information getting lost in noisy chat tools and email inboxes. Push announcements directly out to team members’ web browsers to ensure urgent information is immediately seen.

Ensure announcements are read and understood

Require acknowledgement, and track everything in an audit log to ensure compliance.

Block the screen until an announcement is acknowledged if necessary

For highly urgent, highly sensitive announcements (like phishing attacks, system outages, etc.), pause all activity by blocking the screen until information is read and acknowledged.

Display announcements in many formats

Announcements can be displayed in many formats, including rich text, links, images, videos, and more! Announcements support markdown to meet your style needs.

Announcement groups

Define groups to share announcements with only the team members them, and avoid creating noise for everyone else.

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Get started with PixieBrix to immediately use our low-code web app extension builder. Explore all the possibilities so you can work better, your way.