AI Detector

Detect AI Writing

Instantly analyze and detect whether content was written by AI. Our free AI detector works in your browser sidebar and detects content written by ChatGPT, GPT-4o, Gemini Pro and other AI tools.

Join 40,000+ users of the #1 browser extension for AI Content Detection.

Detect AI content with ease

Our AI Content Detector offers cutting-edge technology to accurately identify AI-written content, providing peace of mind for educators, content creators, and businesses. Our sidebar allows for seamless detection directly within your workflow, ensuring the content you rely on is genuine and trustworthy.
Ultimate AI Detector
Whether you're a productivity enthusiast, content creator, or business professional, our AI detector is designed to identify AI-generated text with unmatched accuracy. Comprehensive insights and analysis help you maintain the integrity of your content. Try our AI detector free to easily distinguish between human and machine-generated text, ensuring that your work stands out for its originality.
Advanced Analysis
Our AI text detector utilizes advanced algorithms to scan and analyze text, providing a detailed report on the likelihood of AI generation. Whether you need an AI essay detector for academic purposes or an AI generator detector for professional content, our tool has you covered. Stop relying on external tools to detect AI content. Use our ChatGPT Sidebar, powered by ZeroGPT, to analyze text on any webpage to detect whether it was generated by AI.
Unlimited Benefits
Using our AI detector tool offers numerous benefits, from ensuring content originality to enhancing the credibility of your work. By leveraging our AI content detector, you can protect your intellectual property and maintain the trust of your audience. With our AI essay detector, you'll never have to worry about AI-generated plagiarism again. Experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your content is authentic with our AI detector free of charge. PixieBrix detector de IA es una herramienta diseñada para identificar y analizar contenido generado por inteligencia artificial. El detector de plagio IA permite verificar la originalidad de los textos al comparar con una base de datos extensa. El detector de IA gratis ofrece acceso a estas capacidades sin costo alguno.

Decision Tree use cases

Customer Service
Guide agents through a series of structured questions and paths to identify and solve customer issues with a standardized approach. Integrate decision trees seamlessly into existing workflows and platforms, providing easy access for agents. Build and share decision trees with colleagues, promoting consistency and knowledge sharing within the team.
Contact Center
Decision trees triage incoming calls, directing customers to self-service options for simple issues while routing complex inquiries to the most qualified agent for efficient resolution. By factoring in customer data and past interactions, decision trees can personalize troubleshooting steps, improving first-contact resolution rates and reducing customer frustration.
IT Help Desk
Help desk agents can quickly diagnose common issues and provide solutions by following a step-by-step decision tree, reducing average call times and leaving more time for complex problems. Implement interactive decision trees as part of the help desk portal, allowing users to troubleshoot and fix basic issues themselves without needing to contact an agent, freeing up resources and improving overall customer satisfaction.

How to detect AI content with PixieBrix

Easily detect AI content following these quick steps.

Sign up for PixieBrix

To create a PixieBrix account, visit Click Connect with Google or Microsoft, or use an email address.Google/Microsoft will show you an account chooser. Select the account you want to use with PixieBrix and complete the login.If you selected email, check your inbox for a magic link.

Install PixieBrix Browser Extension

After you register an account, PixieBrix will prompt you to visit the Chrome Web Store. Click Open Chrome Web Store. On the Chrome Web Store listing, click Add to Chrome. Add the PixieBrix Browser Extension from the Chrome Web Store. Chrome will prompt you to confirm the installation. Click “Add Extension”. Click Add Extension to confirm adding PixieBrix to your Chrome Browser extension.

Activate AI Detector Sidebar

Activate the AI Detector by clicking this link or visit our Marketplace to activate.

Highlight any text

Highlight text on any webpage and click :robot_face: to analyze the text.

Review results

Once you've selected the text and clicked analyze, the PixieBrix sidebar will display your results.

Businesses thrive with PixieBrix

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