Flexible, easy integrations

By enabling browser integrations, you can customize and automate any process to improve productivity, efficiency, and quality of work.
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Featured Integrations

Frequently used integrations

Developers and teams can quickly create customized integrations for their needs. While the sky’s the limit on what you can do, here are web apps and websites frequently found in use cases today:
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Featured Partners

We provide incredible versatility in the customizations and integration mods you can build, to drive more efficiency through attended automation.
Run Automation Anywhere bots and AARI (robotic interface) requests with context from the page using PixieBrix.
Run UiPath processes with context from the page with our UiPath Automation Cloud and Assistant integrations.
View UiPath integrations
Trigger actions in thousands of applications with flexible PixieBrix integration that pushes data to Zapier.
View Zapier integrations

“I wouldn't be surprised if 5 years from now, it's commonplace to head to the PixieBrix Marketplace for value-add mods that enrich the user experience on common web applications.”

— Micah Smith
Developer Evangelist, Automation Anywhere

Ready for AI productivity at scale?

We’ve helped enterprise clients 10x productivity. We can do it for you, too.