Enterprise AI Search

Use template

If you want to create your own Enterprise AI Search tool, you can customize this PixieBrix mod template to fit your specific needs.

Watch the video below to see it in action and learn how it's built, or read the text below to learn how to make your own customizations.

Here are a few ways you may customize the PixieBrix AI Knowledge Base mod.

  1. Connect your own knowledge base
  2. Add handling for No Article Found
  3. Suggest multiple articles.
🏁 Before making any customizations, you'll need to create a copy of the Google Sheet AND copy the mod. Read these pre-requisites for more instructions.

0. Pre-Reqs

Follow the steps below to: 

  • Copy the Google Sheet template
  • Activate the mod template with the Google Sheet
  • Try out the activated mod template
  • Copy the mod template

0.1 Copy the Google Sheet

You'll need a Google Sheet with your FAQs or Knowledge Base articles defined. It's easiest to copy our Google Sheet template to your Google Drive

You can always change the content inside the Google Sheet or connect another sheet later by reactivating the mod.

⛔ Do not edit:

  • any headers in Row 1
  • tab title (FAQs)

0.2 Activate the Mod Template

ℹ️ This section explains how to activate a mod. (Prefer to watch instead of read?)

Once you've copied your Google Sheet, it's time to activate the Knowledge Base Template. Click the button below and a sidebar appears with activation configuration items. Review the screenshot and instructions below to understand how to configure the activation settings.

Click the picture to enlarge

To activate, you'll need to configure the following in the sidebar:

  • Google Account. You'll need to choose a Google Drive integration. Click Configure or select an existing Google Drive account from the list. If you're connecting a new account, a modal will appear asking you to approve access.
  • Google Sheet. Select the newly copied Google Sheet from step 0.1 from the dropdown.
  • Tab name. If you copied the template spreadsheet, the tab name will be FAQs. If your tab name has something else, you can specify it in this field.

Once those have been set, click the purple Finish Activating button at the bottom of the sidebar.

0.3 Try it Out

Now try out the mod to confirm it works as expected.

Highlight a user question to look up in your knowledge base, like this one:

Why is my order late?

With the text highlighted, right-click and choose the AI Recommendation action from the context menu.

A sidebar should appear with the a relevant article and templated response in the sidebar.

0.4 Copy the mod template

Once you've confirmed it's working, you'll need to copy the mod template to be able to make any customizations, such as changing the data source to another tool or customizing the way the Sidebar displays the response.

To copy a mod, open the PixieBrix Page Editor (How?)

In the search box at the top of the first panel, search for ai, then select the [Template] AI Recommendation mod and click the three dots to choose Make a copy.

You might be asked to create an alias if this is your first time copying a mod.

Optional: You can change the Mod ID, Name, and Description fields in the modal that appears.

Click Create and confirm the first panel shows [Template] AI Recommendation Copy (or the name you chose).

If you're stuck activating or copying this mod, watch this video which recaps steps 0.2 through 0.4.

If your screen looks similar to the video above, you're ready to start customizing! ✅

(optional) Connect your Knowledge Base

One of the first things you may want to customize is where your knowledge base information comes from.

In the template, the FAQs/articles are defined in a Google Sheet, and we use the Lookup Google Sheet row brick (renamed Fetch data from Google Sheet) too query a Google Sheet.

You might need to modify the query if your Google Sheet is set up differently than our template. Click the Fetch data from Google Sheet brick and check out the Brick Configuration Panel in the middle of the Page Editor.

If you're using some other column to get every row, you can change the Query text to match. For instance, you might have a * or Include in your row.

You also might want to fetch data from other tools entirely, such as:

Connect to Airtable

First, add an Airtable integration configuration (how?).

Next, add the Get Airtable Data brick (how?) to fetch all data from an Airtable database. If you want to extract only specific data, you'll need to add a jq - JSON processor brick or the JavasScript brick afterward and to transform the returned data.

Connect to a PixieBrix database

You can store your FAQs in a PixieBrix database and use the List All Records brick (how?) to return all your FAQs. PixieBrix databases have access control, allowing you to specify which team members should have access.

Connect to Zendesk (or other knowledge base tools)

If you want to use another tool, like your Knowledge Base, to fetch your FAQs or articles, you can search for an existing brick by clicking the + button under any brick in the Brick Actions Pipeline (how?).

If the tool you're searching for isn't available as a brick, use the HTTP Request brick to fetch data from any API with PixieBrix.

(optional) Add handling for No Article Found

If no article is found, PixieBrix and ChatGPT won't return anything in your sidebar except the templated text.  But when nothing is found, that's a great opportunity to add something to your knowledge base because the question will likely come up again!

If you want to improve handling for when no article is found and make a way to add a new item to your knowledge base, all you need to do is incorporate a bit of logic for adding a button when nothing is found and then create an action for that button when clicked.

This is an example of doing it with Google Sheets, but you could follow the same approach with Airtable or any HTTP Request.

1. Add another row and button to the panel in the Render Document Brick.

Click the second-outermost three-dot menu, choose "Row", then add a button inside that element. Click the button to configure information.

2. Customize the button.

Rename the button pipeline and label to Add new item, and change the color from the Style dropdown if you'd like.

Scroll to the Hidden field, and click the 0/1 field at the end of the row, then choose ABC Text.

Set the value to {{ true if @transformed.choices[0].message.content != "none"}}, which will show the button if ChatGPT has not found anything in your knowledge base.

3. Add a form to the button.

In the Brick Actions pipeline, click the + button to add a Show modal or sidebar form brick. Customize the form with three fields to capture the question, answer, and a link for a new FAQ item.

🧚 You can use @input.selectionText as a default value for the Question field to pre-populate the form with the selected query from the user.

To add a new field, click the + Add new field button at the top of the brick. Make sure all three fields are Required.

Since our example is hosting FAQs in Google Sheet, we will simply add another brick after the form to create a new row in our Google Sheet with the submitted data.

If you want to send your information to another tool, search for an existing brick, or use the HTTP Request to use any tool's API.

(optional) Suggest multiple articles

The template is configured to only look for one relevant article from the FAQ database, but you could edit this mod to return more options in case the first one suggested isn't a better fit.

This will require a few changes as we'll be working with a list of items returned, instead of a single item.

1. Adjust the prompt

Start by going to the Ask ChatGPT to suggest an article based on question brick, and use the following prompt:

You are an AI support article recommender. Given a customer support ticket, recommend the top 3 support articles from the following articles and nothing else:

Article Titles:
{{@titles | join("


No article found

Provide your response as valid JSON in the following format:
articles:["<article 1 title>","<article 2 title>","<article 3 title>"]
2. Add the Parse JSON brick

Click the + button below the ChatGPT brick and add the Parse JSON brick, and pass it the content from ChatGPT's response, like this.


You may also want to rename the brick output to make it easier to reference later. Call it something like chatgptOutput.

3. Map the values

Now we need to get the whole FAQ object with the question, answer, and link so we can reference all three in our sidebar. Below the Parse JSON brick, add the Map/Transform Values brick and pass the Elements as @chatgptOutput.articles (make sure the type is @), and set the Element Variable Name to article.

Inside the body, add the JQ brick, and use this jq filter .match as $match | .rows | map(select(.Question == $match))[0] and the pass the Google Sheets through the data field with @rows.

4. Update the sidebar.

To update the sidebar, you'll want to delete your first element by clicking it in the preview panel and then clicking the trash icon.

Now add a new row, and then add a new List element inside that Row. Set the Array to @mapped, which will use the output from the Map/Transform Value brick.

You'll see a new Row element appear. Click the three-dot menu inside that to add a Text element, and fill the text with the same text we used initially for our sidebar.


Hi, we're sorry to hear about your recent experience. Please refer to this help article:



Or, you can reach us at support@pixiebrix.com.

Next, add a button by clicking the three-dot menu again and selecting the Button type. You'll see a new Button section appear in the Brick Actions pipeline. Click the + button to add the Copy to clipboard brick, and use the same value as above for the content field. This will copy that article's message to your clipboard whenever you click the button.

Need to see an example? Activate this template to see how to set up an AI Knowledge Base Recommender to suggest multiple articles.

🎉 Congrats! You've successfully modified an AI Knowledge Base template. But this is just the start. You can build anything else on top of this!

Use this template to create a decision tree.

Step 1/7

Step 1

Activate The Template
Step 2/7

Step 2

Configure Your Template
Copy The Existing Google Sheet
Step 3/7

Step 3

Build Your Decision Tree Using Google Sheets
Step 4/7

Step 4

Once Sheet Is Filled, Return To Template And Finish Activating
*Ensure you have selected your spreadsheet from the dropdown
Step 5/7

Step 5

Your Decision Tree Is Ready, Click Ok to Begin Using
Your Decision Tree Is Ready, Click Ok to Begin Using
Step 6/7

Step 6

Click "Start Decision Tree"
Step 7/7

You're All Set!

NExt Step


Now you can clone this project and reuse the form.
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.

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